Awards Iris & Fern have Won

We love awards, especially surprise ones! We'd love to proudly display YOUR award. Please send it to us at Iris & Fern's email. If you'd be so kind as to include us on your Winners list - after we've posted your award of course! Our official Website name is,

Fluffy Tails - starring Iris & Fern

our site address to link back to us is


Want to Win one of OUR Awards?

Please click on award graphics to visit these great websites.

April 30th


Fluffy Tails won the internet cat communities most prestigious award, the Oscat!
We even received this extra special silver award for over 1000 votes!

Only 4 awards are given per year, its done quarterly. We won the first award for 2003.

Thank you to all our friends and visitors who took the time to give Fluffy Tails a one time only vote.
 Special thanks to our biggest supporters,
Spencer and the Girls.

We are so excited and extremely PURROUD!


oscat congrats Nancys Feline Four - Zena, Scraps, Bonique & Jordan were very happy about our Oscat win and gave us this pretty graphic. We love it, but of course it has US on it.

Thank you kitties for your wonderful support. You are great furriends, that we treasure!

Iris & Fern are very excited about being chosen the GRAND WINNER of a super Halloween Costume Contest 2003.
 Here they are in their WINNING costumes! Alice and the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.


Keeper of the Stars Award

We are so honoured to receive this very special award.

Thank-you to Brandee, Dondee & Gatsby.
The support of fine upstanding net kitties like yourselves is appreciated.


Thanks to Jacqlee (The Cat Lady) & her beautiful Fearless Foursome kitties Sam, Delli, Leslie Anne, & Izzy for their important award.

We thought Izzy was so beautiful, we requested to have her very own award too.




We've been so impressed by this site, Very helpful info. on health problems. Plus cat items, are rated by the 3 Kings of the house, Hamlet, Itchy & Leo. These kitties are all very special. We really appreciated them thinking our site is worthy of their special awards. Boomer's pages have some of their awards as well. Thank you!!



Mewpe's Award

Thanks to the Cats & Pink Cadillacs gang for giving us this meaningful award in memory of the wonderful Mewpe. Mewpe was a VERY loving kitty who is greatly missed. We are sure Mewpe and our Rainbow Bridge kitty Boomer are good friends up there, waiting for us.

Thanks to Littlefoot, KeeKee, Bambi, Sara & Meowmie Ellie too.


Darlin's Award

Thanks to kitties Rosey, Morgan, Baby, Darlin,
Lady, Baby Kitty, Casey & Rocky the raccoon for this lovely award.

We hear its a brand new design.
We are very honoured to have been surprised with it!


Monkey Boys Awards

Thanks to Nicky and Koko for their surprise award!

They sure are a fun pair of real brothers.


Andies Tabbies

Thank you to Andies Tabbies, the Kadiddies,
starring - Minnie Mouser, Tottsky, Miss Pinkerton, Charlie, Annie, Michelle, Simon & Priscilla.


Clara - Kitty Reprt

Thanks to Clara, Jennifer, Pebbles, & C.J.
What lovely kitties they are. And their Dad, Robert, is the nicest male cat person I've ever "meet". What lucky kitties!

Go enjoy their "Kitty Report"!


Caklvin's Bee Award

Calvin is a new kitty to the Web,
but she is sure starting out right!
We love her award.

Thanks to a "Bee-utiful" fellow Canadian kitty!



Thanks to this nice looking Norwegian kitty Knerten
 for this fine award.
Knerten looks very much like Fern!!

Knerten's site is not in English but its nice to see pictures.


Jon & Pia

Thanks to Pia & Jon. Fluffytails is attracting world wide attention.
 Even though Pia and Jon's site is not in English, we enjoyed their photos.


Cat Hotel It was a lovely surprise to find this award in our email.
Thank you Meg & the cat gang at Cat Hotel.


Reneedior Ragdolls Thank you to Laura and her beautiful Ragdolls.


Chasity's World

We were so excited to receive this pretty award
from sweet Chasity.

Chasity just designed it and said we are the first to be
 honored with it. Yeah!
Thanks to Chasity and her mommy Ruby.


True Love Award

Many purrs to Mikkel, Philip & Cornell,

from True Love,

for their fine award.


Pets of our lives award

Many thanks to

cats Sheba & Maxine

Chinese Crested dogs Zoey & Zepplan

Simon & Scarlett the Chihuahuas

& Kipper the Yorkie


Feral Cats

Thank you to Karl and

the Feral Cats for this honour!

Tygrrr Award

Thank you to Tracy and her website for this award


Bo, Luke, Cali, Graystoke, Zeeke,
and Jessie gave us this nice graphic
with all of them, thanks!

Thanks to Knightess Winter Grace for this award.

And Cindy's World for the pretty tiger award.


Thank you to Sammy Sam,  Peppurr, Vader,
Bagheera, Sasso, & Tzu for surprising
us with their excellent award.
Thank you to Kiwi the Cat,
for his fine award.

Thank you to Care2 for this nice award.

Love Those Tiels! Heck, they give out surprise awards, you gotta love'm! 

The Cockatiel is a fabulous pet bird. Read about them and other great birds on their website!

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Background & Graphic Designs By Carla

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